essential workers should strike

This leaves the employees with no recourse expect the removal of their labour, the idea that people do not have a right to resist unfair contractual changes would mean that 1 of the largest employers in the UK could impose unworkable changes and sack people with no fear of recourse. Opposition SpeechGoing on strike is a powerful thing though it may seem harmless .The reality is that it can result in ineffable consequences that will shatter the nation. Everyone can get a second job if they want, not just firefighters. The United States has not ratified ILO Conventions 87 and 98 on freedom of association and . In addition the government does not want them to strike it discourages strikes, therefore agring an acceptable salary and change it in relation to the daw jhon's rate is a better solution. They signed a contract why should the government be allowed to renege on it. Taking the right to strike away from anybody is yet another attempt by overpaid, greedy, morally corrupt politicians to crush the working class in this country. Ana Ramírez, a New York Communities for Change member, has spent months fighting for the voice of essential workers to be heard. Firefighters, paramedics and essential 'blue light' services should not be allowed to strike.You don't go into these professions for the money after all. Public service workers give up their precious times Such as birthdays, family events/Christmas/Easter etc to look after you and me.If they are looked after they will in turn look after the public better. Workplace grievances including the right to strike are a vital part of the labor movement of the last 125 years. The only rule should be that emergency services laborers should have to give 48 hour notice before a strike so the national guard can be called in to help out during the strike. They have the best conditions, pay and pensions in the uk! Workers in "essential" services such as police departments, sanitation, etc. Wake up people, public sector workers are your friends, family and neighbours, not some evil, greedy sect as the government would have you believe. Police and other emergency services cannot get paid for sleeping ! Why? This is the fourth in a series of commentaries on Workers vs. Coronavirus. Because this will happen if this resolution passes . Tens of thousands of essential workers across the country took to the streets on Monday in a strike for Black lives and to demand justice for frontline employees. Well, yes—that is the proposal the House just passed. So, the question that arises in everyone’s mind is that should the essential workers be prohibited to practice their rights? This shall ensure swift action taken to the said grievances, especially given the importance of essential workers in a nation. These services are there to help people not to be used as a government tool.Nurses,Firefighters and the police deserve better pay for the jobs they do ,not a pat on the back.The government should be looking after these services.......After all who wants to be rescued by a 60 year old firefighter or can the 60 year old police officer catch the robber running down the street.MPs need to resolve the strikes by not robbing good hard working people who work in these sectors. It is alarming that when essential workers like doctors, firefighters, policemen, etc. By the time they came from the strike many lives be dead. The government would continue to take unfair advantage of essential workers if they did not have the right to strike. Did you think of prisoners if the warders were to be on strike the whole month. Essential services do not like striking and never will but surely they are entitled to fight for their contracts. I believe this is better than doing nothing and then saying "I told you so", once people start to die or get hurt from cuts to the service. Without the right to strike employers would have a free hand to dictate all conditions. He was in a hurry and he quickly laid the box down, jumping back into . We've watched the people who pack online orders, stock grocery stores, and . This ConDem government has ripped up this contract and imposed numerous contribution increases, so that I now pay 14.2% of my salary into a pension fund and have to work an extra 5 years to get a full pension. These workers are an essential to the public. Enough is enough. The changes to the FF pensions are, according to the governments own report, unworkable and unaffordable. How else will workers ever be able to protest against bullying bosses whilst at work. Street vendors, restaurant workers, and other essential workers launched a hunger strike on Tuesday, calling on New York state legislators to provide more financial assistance to workers who have been left out of past Covid-19 relief packages due to immigration status. Found insideIt is not essential that all of plaintiff's workers should strike in order to make the strike legal . If that were the case , there could seldom be a strike ... Yes, When they strike the society is at risk, But if they don't strike, They could make fatal flaws at work because they are angry and pressured. Firefighters , police, NHS and other essential services deserve to have their pay, pensions and conditions honoured. If they have legitimate complaints about their working conditions, they should be permitted to go on strike if they have tried every other reasonable method of resolving the dispute. I joined my job signing a contractual agreement about my conditions of service and my pension. Pay more. argument says that essential services workers should not be allowed to strike since that form of collective bargaining can likely in ict imminent and substantial harm on the society. We need essential services and we should respect them more, so instead of complaining how chaotic it would be without them --- if their important they should be able to strike and be payed more. Workers in essential services already give up so much of their personal well-being for their jobs (e.g., firefighters who work overnight shifts, or garbage men who work on holidays). Or should the common people be the ones who suffer because of that? . We pride ourselves on the fact that the citizens of this wonderful country are afforded the right to free speech. Have to fight a government's ethos which involves privatisation of essential services which means only the shareholder wins and not the tax payers. If the fire service is truly an emergency service why can they strike and the likes of police not ? The patient care is covered. Because if we didn't let them strike then the government would ride right over The public services ! Found inside1974, 'Ottawa Action Hindering Strike Settlements. ... which period no employee or tradeunion shall strike and no employer shall lock out his employees or ... Yes it's a service, but that doesn't mean you can take it for granted. Getting paid twelve bucks a day to go on strike makes no sense and striking when you are a police officer, nurse or fireman is just plain irresponsible. Every worker should have the right to form unions and to take industrial action where necessary. One of these instances is the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995 (the LRA) as amended. Disgusting!!!!! If i walked in to the government office dealing with this debarcle and said i wish to work less retire earlier and pay less, i would be laughed out of the room and probably reminded i signed a contract including a pension! workers in particular should also be allowed to strike because it will unite them. Alaska. Inhumane Treatment of Essential Workers. People's behaviour is also a hazard if it has the potential to cause death, injury, or illness to a person. How would you feel if someone said, yes you can retire with 28 years service but we are taking 47% from you for retiring 2 years early. They need to have the right to stand up and be heard rather than being silenced otherwise the greedy government, yes GREEDY government will just rip the life out of everyone until they work for nothing and the politicians and fat cat bankers will be lining their pockets even more than they are already!This corruption needs to come to an end and the only way people stop and take notice is when something that is taken for granted every single day is taken away and it makes an impact.VOTE YES FOR STRIKE. Section 13 also concerns the right to strike. Full benefits, full retirements, and good wages to put their kids through college.It is not right to eliminate the labor rights of group unless you are willing to go over the top in compensating the labor group. Found inside – Page 78had promised them to end the strike. This led the Postal and Telegraph Workers' Union, along with the leadership of the CGT, to plan a general strike. Nobody! Workers in essential services are essential. This decision is never taken lightly - when we do so it is in the full knowledge that we will not be paid during our time of protest. A hospital is obligated to hire a team of professionals, who they pay dearly for the service, but it is an option if they choose to allow a strike. Think of how you would feel if you payed your mortgage and then you got told - actually you have to now pay more for longer even though your rate was agreed! The fire fighters are not striking because they want to, or for more money but because they are trying to defend what they signed up for and what they were promised. Unfortunately I think it's going to take something very bad to happen before people in this country wise-up to what is going on. The way to avoid strikes is to . Yet it seems if the Government want to break a "legally binding contract" they can do so without any repercussions !! Underground tube workers are providing a derive, and they disrupt people from making a living, teachers are allowed to walk out of class at school to go a strike, disrupting the right for children to learn, so isn't it the principle? But essential services are non-negotiable. There has been a steady and ongoing erosion of those terms and conditions and they need to be defended. The pressure on essential workers during the pandemic prefigures one path for the low-wage labor market once the current phase of the crisis is over: more coercion. We already contribute a huge amount of OUR salary to OUR pension! Striking in general not only does harm to society, but it has an impact on the economy of the country as well. To say they are not allowed to strike does not mean that their disputes of interests would not be addressed effectively, as they are allowed to refer their disputes to a compulsory interest arbitration. It would be chaos. Is it really any different for a DMV worker or airline employees to inconvenience the public? Without nurses and/or other hospital workers, patients would have to suffer in their pain and illness. Wake up and see the real agenda. Many people say, For example, That police are significant, We can't live without them, And they should never be allowed to strike. Or imagine them saying you cant retire yet , we've extended the retirement age , so keep working but if your not fit enough like when you are in your 20's you will be sacked and you lose a huge percentage of your pension and cant claim it until you reach that agehow would you feel? It's not a simple matter of just quitting your job once things start to not go your way, especially when there are few other employment opportunities out there. In May, essential workers at Amazon, Instacart and other e-commerce and delivery companies staged a one-day national strike demanding better protections and higher pay. But striking is not a solution for the workers who are needed in day-to-day life. As they services are vital to the functioning and protection of the citizens they cannot be allowed to disrupt what the public needs to ensure safety. We already contribute a huge amount of OUR salary to OUR pension! 654. Essential emergency state services are not slaves, Where the employer controls them and doesn’t allow them to choose. It's going to take working-class people now to stand up together & if necessary remove themselves from work to make people realise. ELI5 why "essential workers" should work for less than $600/week? Choosing not to work must be voluntary.Work without pay is slavery.Forced work is called slavery. Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2020 in the subject Leadership and Human Resource Management - Miscellaneous, grade: 15, , course: Managemeny, language: English, abstract: This paper aimed at scrutinizing how Botswana ... 5,572. Essential Workers Hold Walkouts And Protests In National 'Strike For Black Lives' : Updates: The Fight Against Racial Injustice Front-line workers in several U.S. cities walked off their jobs and . If you don't like it, go and get another job - if enough employees leave through poor pay and conditions, then as in any market place, the employer will pay more money and provide better conditions to hire new employees. In that utopian ideal bosses and the government would treat those workers with respect and consideration. Neither Ireland nor Scotland are striking because they have Gov's that listen. WTF!!! We have used military force to overthrow dictators in other countries and set free the people who have been oppressed and suppressed by these horrible regimes. Removal of labour as protest is a basic workers right long shall it remain. and lawfully embark on strike action, provided that certain agreements are first put in place. If you views and rights Will not be listened to or considered by employers no matter how just, reasoned, fair or balanced they may be, what other choice is there? We all have a vote and can elect Governments to change the law if further protection is needed.Unions are a historic anomaly, from a time when very few people had a vote and people had to resort to direct action, and have virtually no place in a democratic society.Militant Unions should not be allowed to sabotage public services by going on strike.Striking is blackmail, pure and simple.To be fair to taxpayers - Public sector employees should be paid the minimum that is needed to attract the right people to do the job. You believe you have the authority to make decisions that we believe are just plain wrong, and we should just live with it? The UK strikers are an absolute disgrace- I wonder how they would feel if they had a heart attack, but the NHS was on strike. When our labour is withdrawn from work it is done with a heavy heart and much soul searching because we really do care.......Can the same be said of the employers who Will not listen. There can be any number of stances for why unions should and shouldn't exist, why labor rights like striking should exist. FF's take great pride in their job and it is with deep, deep sadness that they have been forced to withdraw their labour recently after fighting a three year battle to stop the government taking away what is rightfully theirs.......A government that will NOT negotiate and will NOT see sense despite the findings of their own investigations and expert opinion. Reading Time: 5 minutes On January 30, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada decided Saskatchewan Federation of Labour v Saskatchewan ("SFL"). Right !!!! How else can essential service workers fight for what they believe in?Its the absolute last resort of action that can be taken before civil war breaks out and riots.No one more than the essential service workers would wish to avoid taking strike action, but for me as a Fire-fighter it can never be right to break a pension contract and alter it for the worse and to give the government the power to sack people and defer their benefits until they reach state pension age for age related fitness failures when they could of retired if the government wouldn't have moved the retirement age is disgraceful.I would accept working until 60 if proven by a medical professional that I am no longer fit enough for duty I should be able to access my pension immediately without benefit reduction. But there is no one in the hospital and the patient dies. Many trusted sources say that around 75% of doctors have been assaulted while working. No one really wants to strike but when your back is against the wall and you've been pushed I to a corner you then have very little option! And despite negotiating and talking the employer refuses to listen. Pretty self explanatory. Police are not allowed to strike why should fire service . About 9,000 Canadian Border Service Agency workers are preparing to begin job action across the country on Friday and say travellers should expect long lineups and lengthy delays at border crossings and airports. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to place essential workers at risk on the front lines, I am outraged that Planned companies would disregard their employee's efforts to organize and offer little to no benefits," said Councilmember Helen Rosenthal . There can be any number of stances for why unions should and shouldn't exist, why labor rights like striking should exist. Found inside – Page 55Even where it is permissible to deny a particular group of workers the right to take strike action— for example because they are engaged in essential ... Whether you are working for a private company or a public body, you have a contract with them that determines your conditions of service. Would you join that savings scheme? This government seems to think that it is fair to steal from the working classes and give to the rich. Like endowments however it was accepted that they were mis sold - this is exactly what the government has done to public sector workers - mis sold a pension they should have t. Having worked 25 years in my current pension and expecting retirement in a further 5 years.Being told I have to work until I'm 60. So what do they do when halfway through their career an employer rips up their Pension contract? That utopian ideal doesn't and never will exist because the bosses and the government (at least the one that exists now) want to strip any power from the workers. That's why they are called “essential services”. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Take away their last line of defence against attacks to working conditions and you will see their wages and living standards go down rapidly. The ability to strike keeps our services strong and fair, without it, the government is free to dilute and destroy our public services, which were once upon a time a great pride for this country. After all they did not hav't to join the fire service. SHOULD ESSENTIAL WORKERS BE BANNED FROM STRIKING. I support the firefighters and their right to strike. My pension which I have been paying into for 23 years is being stolen (im sure if this was affecting the middle classes or some shareholders there would be a public enquiry or a raft of firms helping us claim back our mis-sold pensions) The contributions I currently pay amount to over 14% of my annual wage which is just under £31k as a junior officer. The public sector is being ripped apart to help make up the shortfall of overspending. All we can do to highlight our position is to regrettably withdraw our labour. Seriously. And of course the government will give money because they have no choice, the are in risk to save public lives and while they keep striking more, more lives will be in danger. The public needs to understand that every time a piece of the public service is sold it is gone forever. We want you to stop and listen but you won't. The public should never be held to ransom by essential public service organisations threatening to go , or going on strike. 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