conference on disarmament 2020

The Conference meets annually in three separate sessions in Geneva. 27 August 2020. Thank you for convening this incredibly important plenary and thank you to Australia for compiling this paper. The 2020 Conference on Disarmament is here! The biggest event of the year, of course, is the Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which takes place in New York over April and May. The Conference on Disarmament (CD) is the world's only permanent multilateral disarmament treaty negotiating body. Ambassador Robert Wood: Statement at the Conference on Disarmament. Check out some of UNIDIR's resources and publications on the conference. Conference on Disarmament Geneva, 30 June 2020 delivered by Mr. Tancredi Francese, Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the Conference on Disarmament Mister President, Let me congratulate you on the assumption of your responsibility as the President of the Conference on Disarmament and let me especially commend Humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. Europe/Zurich timezone. He speaks German, Spanish and French. The Conference on Disarmament: history, role and methods of work. : 2020-2021) Agenda information A/75/251 105a Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The Delegation enjoys the management services which are shared with the U.S. Mission to the UN and the U.S. Mission to the World Trade Organization. However, as we have said previously, we…, U.S. While the CD is independent of the United Nations, its secretary is appointed by the UN Secretary-General; it is required to consider recommendations from the General Assembly; and it submits reports annually or more often to the . The first part of the session was held from 20 January to 27 March, the second part from 25 May to 10 July, and the third part started on 3 August. Disarmament blog: disarmament in 2020. EU and Cuba hold Dialogues on illicit arms trade and non-proliferation On 14 October 2020, the European Union and Cuba held the second sessions of their political dialogues on illicit trade in small arms and light weapons and other conventional weapons, as well as on disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. 25 February 202015:34. Letter dated 16/08/2004 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the text of a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on 9 August 2004 concerning the modernization of the United States Radar Station in Thule, Greenland. Disarmament blog: the P5 meet in London. The Conference on Disarmament (CD) is a multilateral disarmament forum established by the international community to negotiate arms control and disarmament agreements based at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. CD Conference on Disarmament: 3rd Part, 5th August 2021 Plenaries. An Introduction to the Conference. Statement at the GGE on LAWS – Item 5(a). The RevCon's job is to look back over the last five years and . April 2020 By Daryl G. Kimball. It seeks to negotiate and implement effective nonproliferation and disarmament agreements. The P6 requests the Conference's Secretariat to register these three packages as official II. This is the official report submitted annually to the General Assembly by the Conference on Disarmament on its 2020 session. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. 2002 Preparatory Committee. This Report assesses U.S. compliance with and adherence to arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements and related commitments in 2016, including Confidence- and Security-Building Measures (CSBMs), as well as the adherence in ... At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Pecsteen welcomed the new representatives of Bulgaria and Cameroon. They are an indispensable part of the NPT fabric: important and mutually reinforcing. 3. Letter dated 27/11/2001 from the PR of Peru addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the text of the Political Declaration Against Terrorism and the paragraphs on disarmament, arms control and international security from the Lima Declaration “United for Tomorrow” sogmed pm 24/11/2001 by the Heads of State and Government of the Ibero-American Community. Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The RevCon's job is to look back over the last five years and "identify […] The third and final part of the 2020 session of the Conference on Disarmament will meet in Geneva from 3 August to 18 September, and will be successively presided over by Bangladesh and Belarus. CD/INF.81 2 Ms. Ruth Hill Counsellor Mr. Diwaka Prakash First Secretary Ms. Thuy Nguyen Policy Officer Austria 35-37, Avenue Giuseppe Motta, 1202 Genève Case postale 68 1211 Genève 20 Tel: 022 748 2048 Records of meetings - 2019 and prior years. This online orientation course for Geneva disarmament diplomats was designed and presented jointly by UNIDIR and UNODA, and was held from 18-27 August 2020. The first session of the Conference on Disarmament opened 26 January 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland. Found insideThis book was originally published as a special issue of Global Change, Peace & Security but additionally includes the special section articles on the treaty in the Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament. Found insideA World Free from Nuclear Weapons presents the pope’s address and original testimony from Nobel Peace Prize laureates, religious leaders, diplomats, and civil society activists. The global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has forced a postponement of the 10th review conference of the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), possibly until early 2021. Engelmann, Siegfried. The Permanent Mission of Mexico avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the letter of the Ambassador, PR of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the UN Office at Geneva addressed to Mr. Kofi Annan, SG of the United Nations on 23 June 2006, Report of the Conference on “Building the Architecture for Sustainable Space Security” held on 30-31 March 2006: Working paper submitted by Canada, Space-based verification: Paxsat A then and developments since: Working paper submitted by Canada, A gap analysis of existing international constraints on weapons and activities applicable to the prevention of an arms race in outer space agenda item of the Conference on Disarmament” Working paper submitted by Canada, Letter dated 29/05/2006 from the PR of the Russian Federation to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the address by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to the CD, White paper on a fissile material cutoff treaty: working paper submitted by the United States of America, Verification aspects of paros: working paper submitted by the The People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation, Existing international legal instruments and prevention of the weaponization of outer space: working paper submitted by the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation, Definition issues regarding legal instruments of the prevention of the weaponization of outer space: working paper submitted by the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation, Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities and the prevention of placement of weapons in outer space: Working paper submitted by the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation, Draft treaty on the cessation of production of fissile material for use in nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, working paper submitted by the United States of America, Draft mandate for an ad hoc committee on a “Ban on the production of fissile material for nucelar weapons or other nuclear explosive devices”, working papaer by the United States of America, Suggestions for progressing the fissile material cut-off treaty, working paper submitted by Australia, FMCT: A contribution to constructive discussions, working paper submitted by Japan, FMCT’s entry into force: possible options, working paper submtted by Italy, Banning the production of fissile material to prevent catastrophic nuclear terrorism, working paper submitted by Italy, A pragmatic approach to the verification of a FMCT, working paper submitted by Switzerland, Elements of an Approach to Dealing With Stocks of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices, working paper submitted by Canada, Letter dated 14/02/2006 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation and the Permanennt Representative of China to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting a compilation of comments and suggestion to the working paper on paros contained in document CD/1679 dated 28 June 2002, Letter dated 14/02/2006 from the PR of the Russian Federation and the PR of China to the CD addressed to the SG of the Confeence transmtting a compilation of comments and suggestion to the working paper on paros contained in document CD/1679 dated 28 June 2002, Letter dated 13/02/2006 from the Permanent Representative of France to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the statement made by the French President at Landivisiau-L’ile Longue/Brest (Finistere) on 19 January 2006, France and Switzerland: Proposal concerning civil critical infrastructure, Letter dated 01/02/2006 from the Permanent Representative of Australia to the CD addressed to the President of the Conference concerning the Man Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS), Letter dated 30/01/2006 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the text of the statement made by the President of the Russian Federation during the Extraordinary Session of the Eurasian Economic Community Inter-State Council held on 25 January 2006 in Saint-Petersburg, Message of the SG of the United Nations to the CD, Letter dated 11/01/2006 from the SG of the United Nations addressed to the President of the CD transmitting the resolutions and decisions on disarmament and international security matters adopted by the GA at its 60th session, Report of the Conference on Disarmament 23 January-31 March, 15 May-30 June and 31 July-15 September 2006, Final record of the 997th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 996th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 995th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 994th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 993rd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 992nd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 991st Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 990th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 989th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 988th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 987th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 986th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 985th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 984th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 983rd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 982nd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 981st Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 980th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 979th Plenary Meeting, Final record fo the 978th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 977th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 976th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 975th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 974th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 973rd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 972nd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 971st Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 970th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 969th Plenary Meeting, Letter dated 22/09/2005 from the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the Joint Statement of the Fourth Round of the Sixparty Talks adopted on 19 September 2005 in Beijing, China, Letter dated 22/09/2005 from the Permanent Representative of theDemocratic People’s Republic of Korea addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the Joint Statement adopted by the six parties in Beijing on 19 September 2005, Letter dated 12/09/2005 from the Permanent Representative of Austria addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the text of the Nairobi Action Plan 2005-2009 and the 2004 Nairobi Declaration adopted at the First Review Conference of the States parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction, held in Nairobi from 29 November to 3 December 2004 “LETTER DATED 12 SEPTEMBER 2005 FROM THE PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF AUSTRIA ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TRANSMITTING THE TEXT OF THE NAIROBI ACTION PLAN 2005-2009 AND THE 2004 NAIROBI DECLARATION ADOPTED AT THE FIRST REVIEW CONFERENCE OF THE STATES PARTIES TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE USE, STOCKPILING, PRODUCTION AND TRANSFER OF ANTI-PERSONNEL MINES AND ON THEIR DESTRUCTION, HELD IN NAIROBI FROM 29 NOVEMBER TO 3 DECEMBER 2004.”, Proposal by the President on the Programme of Work for the 2005 session of the Conference on Disarmament: Draft decision, Letter dated 05/09/2005 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the summry of the Second Open-ended Informal Meeting on the Issue of the Prevention of An Arms Race in Outer Space held on 16 August 2005 in Geneva, Letter dated 19/08/2005 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting a Declaration issued by the States Members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) on 22 June 2005, as well as a statement issued by the Heads of CSTO Member States dated 23 June 2005, Letter dated 11/07/2005 from the Alternate PR of Mexico to the CD addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the Declaration issued by the Conference of States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones, held in Mexico City from 26 to 28 April 2005, Letter dated 29/06/2005 from the PR of the Russian Federation and the PR of China to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the text of the Report of the International Conference on “Safeguarding Space Security: Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space” held from 21 to 22 March 2005 in Geneva, Letter dated 27/06/2005 from the PR of Malaysia addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the text of the working paper by the members of the Group of Non-Aligned States Parties to the 2005 Review Conference of the Parties to the NPT held in New York from 2 to 27 May 2005, Letter dated 09/06/2005 from the PR of the Netherlands to the CD addressed to the President of the CD transmitting on behalf of the European Union the text of the common position of the European Union to the 2005 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, of 25 April 2005, Letter dated 02/06/05 from the PR of the Republic of Poland addressed to the Secretariat of the CD transmitting the text of the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland on the occasion of the Second Anniversary of the Proliferation Security Initiative delivered in Warsaw on 29 May 2005, Letter dated 30/03/2005 from the PR of India to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the text of the inaugural address delivered by the Minister for External Affairs of India at the Conference on Emerging Nuclear Proliferation Challenges in New Delhi on 28 March 2005, Letter dated 14/02/2005 from the Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the texts of the catalogue of CBM and Declaration of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the States Parties to the Conference on interaction and CBM in Asia, adopted in Almaty, on 22 October 2004, Letter dated 12/01/2005 from the SG of the UN addressed to the President of the CD transmitting the resolutions and decisions on disarmament and international security matters adopted by the GA at its 59th session, Letter dated 28/12/2004 from the Permanent Representative of India to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the text of the address delivered by the Prime Minister of India to commemorate the golden jubilee of the Department of Atomic energy in Kalpakkam on 23 October 2004, Final record of the 968th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 967th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 966th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 965th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 964th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 963rd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 962nd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 961st Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 960th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 959th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 958th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 957th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 956th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 955th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 954th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 953rd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 952nd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 951st Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 950th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 949th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 948th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 947th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 946th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 945th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 944th Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 943rd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 942nd Plenary Meeting, Final record of the 941st Plenary Meeting, Report of the CD to the General Assembly of the United Nations, Note verbale dted 26/08/2004 from the Permanent Mission of Peru to the CD addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference forwarding the Declaration of San Francisco de Quito on the Establishment and Development of the Andean Zone of Peace, adopted on 12 July 2004 in Quito, Ecuador. At its seventy-fourth session, the First Committee adopted the following resolutions and decisions that make specific reference to the Conference on Disarmament 74/31 Conclusion of effective international arrangements to Open-ended working group on nuclear disarmament. (Geneva, 30 June 2020) lire la suite. Found inside – Page 298... the Conference on Disarmament on several matters, the United Nations Disarmament Commission on space security, and regional consultations for the 2020 ... The Conference formally adopted the annual report CD/WP.636/Rev.3 as orally amended following last-minute proposals regarding paragraph 23. The next plenary of the Conference on Disarmament will be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, 15 September, when the Conference is expected to adopt its annual report to the General Assembly. Please also be informed that the Permanent Mission of Mexico read the aforementioned communiqué at the Plenary Meeting of the Conference on Disarmament held on 14 February 2020. Ambassador Wood has also served in public affairs positions in Mexico City, Mexico; Lagos, Nigeria; Islamabad, Pakistan; and Pretoria, South Africa. At a Vatican conference of leaders in the field of disarmament, he made it clear that the possession of the bomb itself was immoral. Found inside – Page 107Conference on Disarmament (CD) 1979 is a multilateral disarmament forum to negotiate arms control and disarmament agreements. New York 28 January 2020 Secretary-General's message to the 2020 Session of the Conference on Disarmament [delivered by Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva] History of the NPT 1975-1995. Found inside – Page iThis book explores how Pugwash scientists established a role in conflict moderation, what held this project together and how state actors in East and West perceived their efforts, complicating existing narratives about “Pugwash” and ... On behalf of the United States, I congratulate you on your assumption of the CD Presidency and assure you of my delegation's support as you guide us through the closure of the 2020 session. From 2004 to 2008 he served as the Press Attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, Germany. Fred Kaplan, hailed by The New York Times as “a rare combination of defense intellectual and pugnacious reporter,” takes us into the White House Situation Room, the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s “Tank” in the Pentagon, and the vast ... The anniversary is a reminder to take the growing danger of nuclear war seriously. This website contains information and documents related to the 2020 session of the Conference on Disarmament. He lives in Geneva with his wife and son. An official website of the United States government. Palais des Nations, Council Chamber Geneva, Switzerland. Tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. August 27, 2020. A World Free from Nuclear Weapons presents the pope's address and original testimony from Nobel Peace Prize laureates, religious leaders, diplomats, and civil society activists. The second part of the 2020 session of the Conference on Disarmament will meet in Geneva from 25 May to 10 July, and will be successively presided over by Australia, Austria and Bangladesh. The Conference on Disarmament this morning opened its 2021 session under the Presidency of Ambassador Marc Pecsteen of Belgium. General Assembly (75th sess. Berlin, 5 August 2020. August 13, 2020. . The disarmament-related commitments and obligations from past Review Conferences - notably in 1995, 2000 and 2010 - remain . So far, the Conference on Disarmament could not hold plenary meetings from 16 to 27 March as planned. Ambassador Wood also serves as U.S. Commissioner for the New START Treaty’s Bilateral Consultative Commission (BCC). Found insideSIPRI’s views on this complex approach are expressed in Part 1 of this book - Internationalization to Prevent the Spread of Nuclear Weapons. Part 2 contains the papers that were presented at the symposium. Disarmament blog: disarmament in 2020. If nations wish to advance nuclear disarmament as global strategic stability imperative and promote non-proliferation dialogue in conjunction with international arms control treaties, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi's speech at the Conference on Disarmament (CD) delivers a concrete blueprint for the future. We are grateful that the…, Deputy Secretary Sherman’s Participation in Strategic Stability Dialogue with Russian Deputy FM Sergey Ryabkov, U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna, U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Geneva. 5 August 2021. Note verbale dated 24/09/2001 from the Permanent Mission of Chile addressed to the Secretariat of the CD transmitting the text of a communique issued by the Rio Group on the terrorist attacks in the U.S.A. Letter dated 12/09/2001 from the PR of Romania adressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the texts of the statements by the President of Romania, Mr. Ion Iliescu, and the Prime Minister of Romania, Mr. Adrian Nastast, as well as the press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, on terrorist attacks in the U.S.A. Letter dated 10/09/2001 from the PR of Kazakhstan addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the English and Russian texts of the Final Memorandum of the International Conference “XXI Century – Towards a Nuclear-weapon-Free World” held on 29-31 August 2001 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Letter dated 14/08/2001 from the PR of the Russian Federation and the PR of China to the CD addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting theRussian and Chinese texts of the Treaty of Good Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China as well as th Moscow Joint Statement ofthe Heads of State of the Russian Federation and China on 16 July 2001, Letter dated 08/08/2001 from the PR of the Russian Federation addressed tothe SG of the CD transmitting the statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the signing of the START Treaty, Letter dated 15/06/2001 from the PR of the Russian Federation adressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the statement of the Official Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the conclusion of the inspections conducted under the Treaty between the U.S.A. and the USSR on the elimination of their intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles, DECISION (adopted by the CD at its 877th plenary meeting on 14 June 2001, Letter dated 05/06/2001 from the PR of China addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting a working paper entitled “Possible elements of the future international legal instrument on the prevention of the weaponization of outer space”, Letter dated 29/05/2001 from the PR of the Russian Federation addressed to the President of the CD transmitting the Russian proposals concerning the programme of work of the CD, Letter dated 19 /04/2001 from the PR of the Republic of Buglaria addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the text of a Declaration of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released on 12/04/2001 by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman’s office, Letter dated 14/03/2001 from the PR of France and Switzerland to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the English and French texts of the Chair’s summary prepared for delegations participating in the Franco-Swiss Workshop on Traceability of Small Arms and Light Weapons: Tracing, Marking and Record-Keeping held in Geneva on 12 and 13 March 2001, Letter dated 28/02/2001 from the PR of the Russian Federation addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the text of a press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the outcome of the Second International Working Meeting of Experts on a Global Control System, Letter dated 12/02/2001 from the PR of the Russian Federation and the PR of the U.S. to the CD addressed to the SG of the Conference transmitting the Russian and English texts of a Memorandum of Understanding on Notifications of Missile Launches signed in Brussels on 16/12/2000 by U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, Letter dated 02/02/2001 from the PR of the Republic of Turkey and the PR of Georgia addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the text of the Joint Statement made by the Republic of Turkey and Georgia on the Agreement signed on 29/01/2001 in Ankara concerning the establishment of a bilateral regime for keeping their common border free from anti-personnel mines and preventing their use for border protection purposes in the future, Letter dated 22/01/2001 from the PR of the Republic of Bulgaria addressed to the SG of the CD transmitting the text of a statement made on 11/01/2001 by the Buglarian Deputy Minister of Defence at a meeting with military and defence Attaches, Letter dated 25/01/2001 from the Charge d’Affaires A.I. About the conference: The Conference on Disarmament (CD) is a multilateral disarmament forum established by the international community to negotiate arms control and disarmament agreements. ; Established in? Conference on Disarmament 31 December 2020 English/French/Spanish only . The Conference on Disarmament (CD), was recognized by the first Special Session on Disarmament of the United Nations General Assembly (SSOD-I) (1978) as the single multilateral disarmament negotiating forum of the international community.. It was formed in 1979 after agreement was reached among Member States during the first special session of the UN General . This website contains information and documents related to the 2020 session of the Conference on Disarmament. He was confirmed by the United States Senate on July 15, 2014. The evolution of the disarmament regime of the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) is described from 1980, when the first BTWC Review Conference was held, until 1998. Thank you Mr President for the opportunity to address this august body. From July 2008 to January 2010, he was the State Department’s Deputy Spokesman and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs. 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Under the Presidency of Ambassador Marc Pecsteen of Belgium 2018 - May 2020 Executive Summary the nuclear Age Peace was! 2020: CD next two plenary sessions in March were paragraph 23 Representative France... Disarmament 5 February 2020 's signature yearly report for our report of the Conference on Disarmament President it! 2004 could be found on to begin by congratulating you, Ambassador Pecsteen 2020 CD. On LAWS during the Discussion of Agenda Item 5 ( d ), you. Ad-Hoc groupings the growing danger of nuclear war seriously for our report of the Conference formally adopted the annual 2020. Russian Federation on strategic Weapons, notably the recently signed New START treaty we regret that the.. The High Level Segment of the Conference on Disarmament is the world & # ;.