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(Mercury rules the sign of Gemini. 9:1, 2Cor. At the touch of a button, you can find out how many verses are there in the bible. like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girt about the breasts with a golden girdle. Do you see the 7 planets in these verses? At its closest, Saturn is 1.2 billion kilometers away from Earth. Isaiah 14:12 is about one Helel ben Shahar, called the King of Babylon in the text. The Sun is the light/the Messiah/the Christ. Does the Bible mention planets? In the bible the Areopagus (Ares Rock) is also called Mars Hill. . Found insideSATURN AND ASTROLOGY THE planets, as such, are nowhere mentioned in the Bible. ... Venus, Mars, many planetoids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Another name for Heliopolis was the city of “On”, And light manifests when we switch it “on!”, Googling is a great tool to help see all the facets and nuances of each of the seven planets. When the Messiah arrives on the earth,all of the works done in darkness will be exposed to the bright light of the Sun/Jesus/the truth/the Messiah! And being turned, I saw seven golden lampstands”, (Here we have the number 7 mentioned,so it should alert us to have a look for the seven planets.). Although the Bible does not speak of aliens who live on far away planets, it does speak of a Spirit Being who "inhabits eternity" (Isaiah 57:15). Why not three or four or any other number? As stated previously,each of the planets is really an “influence” an “energy” or “concept” symbolized by each planet. How can birth rate affect population growth? Except for Earth, Venus and Saturn are the only planets expressly mentioned in the Old Testament. Second, there was no way for the people of the era to appreciate that the. When the sun shines you notice the dirt,you see dust in the air all around you. Helel ("morning star, son of the dawn") is translated as Lucifer in the Vulgate Bible but its meaning is uncertain. The moon is linked to water/blood/emotions and the tides,also the woman’s menstrual cycle. Helel ("morning star, son of the dawn") is translated as Lucifer in the Vulgate Bible but its meaning is uncertain. In the Apocrypha, Gabriel and Raphael are designated archangels. After Metis’s demise, their first child Athena was born when Hephaestus cleaved Zeus’s head open and the goddess of war emerged, fully grown and armed. Habitability. 1:1, 1 Ch. The number seven saturates the scriptures. Answer #10. no. This book is a compendium of information from every sphere—astronomical, scientific, the Book of Revelation and geopolitics. However, there are a few references here and there to other heavenly bodies. I would like to stress this point however,each planet or god,has both a good influence as well as a bad influence. And isn’t the planet Jupiter the planet of storms? “Saturnine,”meaning gloomy/sombre/bad tempered comes from grumpy old Saturn. In 11 Planets, David Aguilar, an expert who works on the leading edge of this astounding shift, explains and explores our new galactic knowledge. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Saturn is also thought to be the planet of the Jews because of these verses (also Damascus Document 7:14-15). “And I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. Tyr is the god of combat,linked to the god Mars (the god of war.). Look to God and His instructions for life as provided in the Bible. Santa is Saturn with his long white beard (Saint Nicholas…”Old Nick.”). For example, the most studied star in astronomy, the sun, is mentioned at least 160 times in the KJV Bible, with the moon referred to 51 times. From the seven “days”of Genesis (six creative and then the seventh,the day of rest,)to the seven seals,seven trumpets and seven bowls of judgment in the last book of the bible,namely the Book of Revelation. The Chemical Elements relate to Bible Prophecy for the same reason that Astrology relates to Bible Prophecy: this world and this universe are holographic software, where the small is reflected in the large, and the Book of Revelation (whose 22 chapters correspond to the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet) is a key to understanding these holograms. Saturn was the oldest of the Roman gods, identified with the Greek Kronos, father of all the gods. Found insideThe Bible writers frequently mention the starry heavens, always with a sense of awe of ... Are there other solar systems out there with planets like ours? Below, you will find nearly 60 Bible verses associated with the word "star" or "stars". Found inside – Page 342how many exist and has even assigned a name to each one of them (Psalm 147:4 ... To the naturalistic astronomer, the earth is but one of many planets in our ... Helel ("morning star, son of the dawn") is translated as Lucifer in the Vulgate Bible but its meaning is uncertain. Each of the seven wonders of the ancient world are also named after one of the planets! “Heliopolis,” means “City of the Sun”. The Bible does reference several objects, such as planets and constellations, found in what we today call space. Seven planets in one place in the scriptures!You can see them throughout the scriptures,when you get eyes to see them. The Bible states that millions of beings exist that are not earth bound. Jehovah Sabaoth in the Septuagint: kurios sabaôth…the Lord of. I have heard people saying that it means completeness,but why would the number seven represent completeness? In my ESV Comprehensive concordance the a form of the word "star" is used 105 times. This article lists plants referenced in The Bible, ordered alphabetically by English common/colloquial name.For plants whose identities are unconfirmed or debated the most probable species is listed first. Jupiter is Jove/Zeus/Thor/Vulcan.Once again they are all the same god or energy/influence. "God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; the . Learn more from our list of Bible verses below: Proud member For example the phrases “martial” law,or “martial” arts  come from Mars the god of war. Now that's my theory. Combining these two probabilities tells us that there are 10-144 planets in the entire universe that could support life. Selene is Diana/Dinah/Artemis…..the Moon,and the moon affects the tides just as “the sound of many waters” are heard from the composite figure. The 'creationistic worldview' is a logical deduction from Scripture. Helel ("morning star, son of the dawn") is translated as Lucifer in the Vulgate Bible but its meaning is uncertain. Found inside – Page 22In many cases, we need to wait and let nature take its course. ... God's holy Word makes no mention of any other planets sustaining life, so we can easily ... Author: Paul S. Taylor of Christian Answers. Helel (“morning star, son of the dawn”) is translated as Lucifer in the Vulgate Bible but its meaning is uncertain. Now what planet or god is connected with writing and communication? As mentioned in this post, the word "heaven" is used in the Bible to describe the earth's atmosphere, the realm of the stars, and the dwelling place of God and the angels. Friday is “Vendredi” in French,named after Venus,and Venus in Norse is Freya or Frigg! Saturn is “Old Father Time,”or the “Ancient of Days,”with his long snowy white hair. One of these names was Olam, and the other the New Jerusalem., “The Logos-figure described is a composite picture of the seven sacred planets: he has the snowy-white hair of Kronos (‘Father Time’), the blazing eyes of ‘wide-seeing’ Zeus, the sword of Ares, the shining face of Helios, and the chiton and girdle of Aphrodite; his feet are of mercury, the metal sacred to Hermes, and his voice is like the murmur of the ocean’s waves (the ‘many waters’), alluding to Selene, the Moon-Goddess of the four seasons and of the waters.”. Some think it was a nova (an exploding star that would stay bright in the sky for a few days). Genesis 1:1-31 ESV / 40 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. of Saturn is about 75 thousand miles (120,000 km) in diameter and is almost ten times the diameter of Earth. Isaiah 14:12 is about one Helel ben Shahar, called the King of Babylon in the text. The second heaven is where the sun, moon, and planets are. And you will start teaching yourself,you will do the digging! (Ares/Aires ). Bible verses about Aliens. Unfortunately, many Bible scholars today have been deceived by the conflict thesis into thinking that the Bible's cosmology is that of a domed vault over a flat earth, which has led to many twentieth- and twenty-first-century depictions of flat earth with a domed vault above supported by pillars.6 However, such depictions began to appear in . A very liberal estimate of how many planets there may be, though we have only documented less than 100, is 10 22 or 10 billion trillion planets, one for every star in the universe. Found inside... and Spiritually advanced inmanyways aswell; however,the contagionof negativeego took overa great many leadersand scientistsof the Planet, ... Unfortunately, many Bible scholars today have been deceived by the conflict thesis into thinking that the Bible's cosmology is that of a domed vault over a flat earth, which has led to many twentieth- and twenty-first-century depictions of flat earth with a domed vault above supported by pillars.6 However, such depictions began to appear in . However,Mercury is also the magician,the trickster and the god of thieves. ), It is most frequently used in Jeremiah and Isaiah. Like Like November 27, 2017 at 11:41 am This is a quote from the LXX in Amos 5:25-26. Think of funerals/courts/churches,the connection to the colour black and the gloominess that is the Saturnian influence. Tracing the possible origins of the Magi's star, the author uses an ancient Roman coin as a starting point to investigate the possibility that the legendary star may in fact have been an eclipse of Jupiter and the star Aries. From funerals to Saturday night.You have both sides of Saturn’s extreme energies….and they are extremes! Next,John describes someone like a "Son of man" in the midst of the seven. The Star of Bethlehem is mentioned only in a few verses of the New Testament's Book of Matthew (Chapter 2: 1-12), but it is one of the best-known parts of the Christmas story. (Revelation meaning “revealing.”The word “apocalypse” also means “uncovering”). This is where you get the word “jovial” from.Jupiter is the greater benefic in astrology. Found inside – Page 984The Bible doesn't speak about life on other planets. ... have interpreted certain passages to give the impression UFO's are indeed mentioned in the Bible. I personally believe the Bible is silent on the matter of E.T., just as it is on galaxies, DNA, and extrasolar planets. Except for Earth, Venus and Saturn are the only planets expressly mentioned in the Old Testament. Again,the mark is connected to a planet.What planet? Venus is also Aphrodite.The word “aphrodisiac”(stimulating sexual desire) comes from Aphrodite. Hence some poor unfortunates get “venereal” disease from following their Venus/their desire.The word “venereal” comes from Venus. It’s an amazing treasure trove to start looking for…YOURSELF! Next,John describes someone like a “Son of man” in the midst of the seven. Isaiah 14:12 is about one Helel ben Shahar, called the King of Babylon in the text. Page 186 in the webpage below quoting “the secret teachings of all ages” by Manly Palmer Hall,has this to say concerning the description of the logos figure above. The word “mercurial” comes from the planet Mercury and means animated/lively/sprightly/quick witted…which Mercury surely is! Then the realm of the planets, also called "sheep," "wanderers," or "watchers," as well as lightning and thunder. The archangels are part of the "Myth of the Fallen Angels," an ancient story, far older than the New Testament of Christ, even though Enoch is thought to have been first collected about 300 BCE. Job 9:9, Job 38:31, Amos 5:8. The sword of Ares,and again Ares is the Greek name for Mars. Venus (the lesser benefic) is the planet of love or desire.However you can always have too much of a good thing! Except for Earth, Venus and Saturn are the only planets expressly mentioned in the Old Testament. What does the Bible say about aliens? Only if you know what you are looking for. Brief Answer: Science-fiction movies, or stories including aliens and multiple universes, I love, but in this case, science + mathematics make it fairly certain life exists only on this lonely planet. "Indeed My hand has laid the foundation of the earth, And My right hand has stretched out the heavens; When I call to them, They stand up together" (Isaiah 48:13). Saturn is Satan. Science has gained tremendous understanding of the Universe, and Helios mentioned in the verse above,is the Sun. Any old punk rockers out there will now know why the Sex Pistols song “Friggin’ in the riggin'” starts off with the lyrics. Isaiah 14:12 is about one Helel ben Shahar, called the King of Babylon in the text. Furthermore, the Bible clearly indicates that the fate of the universe (every other planet and star) is forever linked to God's timetable for mankind and the Earth. After the discovery of the Planet Pluto in 1930CE, astronomers soon noted that earlier theories regarding the hypothetical influences of such a planet on the orbits of Planets Uranus and Neptune were not validated by the existence of only Pluto. Stars are an integral part of Gods creation, along with the sun, moon and planets (aka wandering stars). . Christmas arrives in the sign of Capricorn ruled by Saturn,and Christmas is party time!. Is there anything else that might explain the riddle of the seven? For thousands of years, humanity has been wondering how the earth was created. And he had in his right hand seven stars, and out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword, and his countenance, libra the scales……judgment day and the “fall” of man | biblodiac. Robert Zubrin has pointed out that Titan possesses an abundance of all the elements necessary to support life, saying “In certain ways, Titan is the most hospitable extraterrestrial world within our solar system for human colonization.” The atmosphere contains plentiful nitrogen and methane. Zeus is Thor is Jupiter,with his wide seeing,blazing eyes. In fact look at all the names on this picture below,ask yourself,why do all the nations earthwide have this force of fertility,beauty and love? Planets. This is because it represents resurrection as it is the first tree to flower. This is why the sign Gemini (important!…ruled by mercury) is involved with communication and travel. Found inside – Page 334the Zohar , where his book is quoted , and in one passage he is also brought into ... Much more important is , that in this piece alone out of the hundreds ... Lots of courier firms are named after this planet.Hermes,Mercury,Gemini. Through ignorance, misunderstanding, custom and tradition the Jewish and Christian religions have combined three distinct and individual entities into one being they call God. This is contrary to their holy scriptures. After a while, you would stop sinking and unfortunately be crushed by the high pressure deeper in Saturn’s atmosphere. Thor is a god of thunder,Zeus and Jupiter are also gods of thunder and storms. To do this, you need to write in the search box (for example, google) how many times is the word christian in the bible and add to it an additional word: converter or . Open the Bible to just about any page and chances are pretty good that you'll see the word "God" or "Lord." That's because the Bible is a collection of writings by ancient Hebrews and early Christians about God's involvement in their lives and world.. Choose the calculator you like. The Bible reveals that there is extraterrestrial intelligent life, but not as many suppose. But, ironically, so was my later journey to God.' ---Lee Strobel During his academic years, Lee Strobel became convinced that God was outmoded, a belief that colored his ensuing career as an award-winning journalist at the Chicago Tribune. Not only are the stars ignored outside, but they are even more forgotten about inside the pages of the Bible. This is a quote from the LXX in Amos 5:25-26. About 764 Earths could fit inside Saturn. So with today’s spacecraft technology, you’ll need about eight years to make the trip. Do you notice where his finger is pointing on the album cover?That is a symbol of Saturn or Kronos/Chronos. Some believe the stories of the Bible are simply legends; others believe they are true tales of testimony and history. Isaiah 14:12 apostrophizes the Babylonian Empire under the unmistakable type of Helal (Lucifer in the Vulgate ), "son of the morning". Here is a small sample of verses to get . They weren't mentioned in the Bible either, but that does not mean they don't exist. One day, Christ will return to Earth and complete the final act of man's redemption (2 Peter 3:9-10).He will destroy this present universe and create a new heavens and Earth (2 Peter 3:7,10; Revelations 21:1). Bible verses about The Planets. Plants named in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible or Tenakh) are given with their Hebrew name, while those mentioned in the New Testament are given with their Greek names. As others have pointed out, the Sun, the Moon, the stars, and Earth are all mentioned many times in the Bible.However, there are a few references here and there to other heavenly bodies.Isaiah 14:12, in a taunt to the king of Babylon, refers to him as Helel, a Hebrew word meaning The Morning Star, which would be Venus. The Bible is clear that there are severe consequences for choosing to worship creation over the Creator. Once again, in the words of the Psalmist, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament [expanse] sheweth His handiwork. Found insideExplores the New Testament book of Revelation in a historical first-century context, reinterpreting the book as a scathing attack on the decadence of Rome that was subsequently adopted by early Christians as a weapon against heresy. (Castor and Pollux are the twins of Gemini. In the present heavens and Earth there exists a three (3) heavens structure. In the book of Ezekiel,there is a man with a writing case at his side. 16 For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake." 17 And Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on him he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came . What does it mean to build relationships. Does the Bible mention planets? The Bible does reference several objects, such as planets and constellations, found in what we today call space. Saturn’s atmosphere is very thick and its pressure increases the deeper you go. However,don’t fear the (grim) reaper.He’s only doing his job! Found inside – Page 30... of the Bible express warning against ignoble panic was indeed mention is ... “ daughters of the bier " : only planets expressly mentioned in the Old Tes ... Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. In a war between two armies,be sure,the god Mars is in the midst of it,reveling in the division….the boisterous energy/combat/killing/mayhem. There are also 22 individual Giants mentioned, by name, in the Bible: Adonizedec - King of Jerusalem Agag - King of the Amalakites Ahiman Amalek Arba Beelesath Gog and Magog Gogmagog Goliath Hoham - King of Hebron Horam - King of Gezer Jabin - King of Hazor Jobab - King of Madon Lahmi Nimrod Og of Bashan Ogias - Og's father . I believe that this is one more way for Satan, in his disguise as the angel of light/knowledge (II Corinthians 11:14), to confuse and lead people astray. This is the third book in the series: "Science vs. Space and planets were created for God's glory. Tyr is Mars as seen through the cultural lens of the Norse folk! 2 Kings 23:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven. When you stub your toe….Mercury is the one who carries the message to the brain to let you know……instantly with his winged feet! “When the pupil is ready the teacher will (and must) appear”. There is only one real heaven, and it is the heaven described in the Bible. Found insideThe impact of The Late Great Planet Earth cannot be overstated. Found inside – Page 233Hey, wait a minute, where else in scripture does it mention Satan walking about? ... (planets), this indicates that Satan had access to many worlds—i.e., ... Answer: There is much evidence of "extraterrestrial life" but not necessarily living on other planets. Except for Earth, Venus and Saturn are the only planets expressly mentioned in the Old Testament. Answer #13. Aphrodite/Venus in the verse above is girt around her breasts with a golden girdle. All rights reserved. Planets. As mentioned in this post, the word "heaven" is used in the Bible to describe the earth's atmosphere, the realm of the stars, and the dwelling place of God and the angels. His Name Is The Lord What Else God Created Sun Moon And Stars Before God Nature Creation Of The Seas Creation, Origin Of Sea Light And Darkness. There will be a spring cleaning on this earth as sure as spring shows up every year…it has to…it is a cycle. Blue oyster cult had the song…”Don’t fear the reaper.” Do you think they were maybe talking about Saturn? In a fight for supremacy, Jupiter defeated and castrated Saturn and threw his genitals into the sea. Magi (Authorized Version wise men).. Venus and Saturn are the only planets expressedly mentioned in the Old Testament. The Bible states that millions of beings exist that are not earth bound. This place is actually the third heaven.There are three heavens mentioned in the Bible: Answer #11. For those who know their Bible, the Bible is full of giants! Author: Ibrahim Khalil Aly. Helel ("morning star, son of the dawn") is translated as Lucifer in the Vulgate Bible but its meaning is uncertain.. Saturn is no less certainly represented by the star Kaiwan (or Chiun), worshipped by the . Is Saturn mentioned in the Bible? Answer (1 of 5): As others have pointed out, the Sun, the Moon, the stars, and Earth are all mentioned many times in the Bible. 16:26, Is. The other five have various names but are most often called Raphael, Urial, Raguel, Zerachiel, and Remiel. When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. Where in the Bible does it talk about the 3 heavens? In some versions of Greek mythology, Zeus ate his wife Metis because it was known that their second child would be more powerful than him. This is not the kind of alien, extraterrestrial life that most people are talking about when the subject comes up. Re: The Bible says there are no PLANETS, the LORD would have mentioned something like other worlds (planets), but no, nothing!!! Isaiah 14:12, in a taunt to the king of Babylon, refers to him as Helel, a Hebrew word mea., Found inside – Page 319To mention a modern example, although there are many planets, hearing about “the planet” we spontaneously think of the earth. In such cases we can use the ... A. I get this question a lot, and it's certainly understandable why. Named after the Roman god of agriculture, Saturn, its astronomical symbol represents the god’s sickle. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The atmosphere of combat/war was symbolized as the “god” Mars to the ancients. Helel ("morning star, son of the dawn") is translated as Lucifer in the Vulgate Bible but its meaning is uncertain. Thank You amblessed. Jehovah Sabaoth is first used in 1 Samuel 1:3. Nowhere in these passages is there any suggestion that anything other than a real animal is being described.